Sam Cheetham Landscape ArchitectureApproachAboutContact

The journey to delivering the whole project:

  1. Contextual Planning
  2. Consultation
  3. Engagement
  4. Concept Design
  5. Design development
  6. Technical Design
  7. Build and Install
  8. Handover and Maintenance

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Landscape Approach 24.01.2024

I will:

Do as little as possible. Keeps the cost down and: allows for you and the environment/place/soil/plants etc to take the lead. I’ll be a mediator . It’s between u and the place coming together to become one/nature/beautiful garden. Sounds cheesy, but it’s important.

hard graft, drive, commitment knowledge and care is what’s needed.

Always going to need to do something but I don’t like to over complicate.

Take time

provide plans sketches and guidance

Imagine a stage process over ten years of your garden, park, street, changing to the needs of the users. The philosophy will work at every scale.

Allow for things to happen. It’s not fixed but will change. Could be good and could be bad

don't make the focus something that looks good and is easy to be in.unless you are looking for ‘Fashion garden design‘. I can’t help with that, I would advise looking for a garden designer.

imagine that you don’t own the land. It’s only within our current system that land is owned. To be realistic about being connected to that place we can remove ourselves from this reality and into another place. Then design from there. It’s down to you to take care of it and for it to be a reflection of you and u a reflection of it.

Philosophy is key. Get it clear at the start then the rest will follow.

Hard work is good for us. Bring that into the garden. My wise gran mother has said digging is the secret for her living to 95 and still digging. She might be right. She the remainder of the last strong generation.

Vegetables, herbs and fruit can teach us plenty about ourselves.

Try to leave the soil. Look after it and respect it. Understand it. It will give back the care you put in. A degraded soil will can be regenerated with care from

Features within a garden, street, park, roof, courtyard

  • A table to eat from
  • Communal Fire and outdoor Kitchen
  • Allowing water - collect rainwater and minimal hidden drainage
  • Local materials


  • Provide structure and habitat with vegetation - trees
  • Planting that is representative of…. Orchard trees that were grown here by and used for/ parkland trees that were brought here by..